Michelle and I decided yesterday to take the plunge and see if we could entertain ourselves by posting the daily goings-on and ramblings of a young(ish) suburban couple. So, sure, here goes.
Sunday we hit the 10:00 showing of The Dark Knight at AMC Rosedale 16, followed by lunch at Big Bowl (thank you work, for the $30 gift certificates).Anyway, the film. It was good. I wasn't blown away, but it was good. Liked how dark and brooding it was. Liked Heath Ledger's performance, very impressive. However, it wasn't as entertaining as Robert Downey's take on Tony Stark. Iron Man was, in my opinion, a more enjoyable film. Anyway, it doesn't matter what I think on the subject, but what does matter is that there were two excellent previews.
Second, The Spirit. Now this thing looks extraordinary. Directed by Frank Miller (Sin City), this is a updated vision of Will Eisner's comic of the 1940s, in which a young masked crimefighter takes to the streets. Now, watching the preview, you'll be able to see that Miller is doing this film in a very, very familiar style. Hell, he might as well call it Sin City 4 - The Spirit Years. Still, the story looks interesting, and the preview is gorgeous. I'm looking forward to it.
Up next ... Lunch!
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